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Nature Reserve

Is anything quite as beautiful as nature??

Check out what we have planned and a couple of our planted animals enclosures.

We will be constantly adding pictures of our animals, plants and planted enclosures. With over 50 exotic animals there will always be something new to see.

Variegated Monstera Deliciosa albo

monstera albo_edited

Rare mother plant we have growing in at the moment.

This beautiful variegated Monstera Deliciosa is one of our mother plants we have growing up and we plan to take cuttings from to propagate in future so that we can grow multiple. Eventually allowing us to offer them for sale to our customers. We are very excited for the future of this beautiful plant. With the right care and given the correct environment these stunning plants can get huge. they like to climb and in nature they will climb up trees and grow Leaves as big as a person. Obviously that is rare in our homes but still can get quite big or if wanting to stay small, that is also possible with pruning. 

Variegated Alocasia "Frydek"


Beautiful Alocasia mother plant we have growing up. We actually have two corms growing in of the same species.

Alocasia are a top favourite of ours and we have been buying in plants and corms from all over that we are growing up in order to be able to offer them for sale in future. Big alocasia plans from us here. Alocasias are really cool in the way that they produce little bulbs in the soil that are called corms and when harvested they well grow a totally new baby plant.

Zebra Haworthia albo 

albo haworthia

These two cool little spikey succulents are our mother plants that are currently growing baby plants that we plan to harvest in spring in order to grow them on for sale. 

Although they look similar to the Haworthias we currently sell, These little succulents have much thicker white bands and lighter green skin. We have found them to be fairly hard to get a hold of and id consider them rarer than the normal zebra or big band Haworthia that is seen a lot more often.

This enclosure houses our two Crested Geckos.

geckos enclousre

This is one of our exoterra enclosures with we have planted with a Philodendron White Wave, a Philodendron Pink Princess, Marble Queen Pothos and Njoy Pothos. lots of branches for the Pothos to climb and lots of ledges and hidey holes for the geckos to enjoy. We are Excited to be watching the plants growing in.


This is our big Whites Tree Frogs enclouse.

Place holder

We are quite proud of this one, this is a big glass Ikea unit converted into a terrarium for our whites tree frogs, because of the size we have been able to put all kinds of plants and even a water fall inside and its so great at holding humidity that they are all thriving, we have Moss, Philodendron, Pothos, Alocasia, Parlour Palm, Snake plant, purple passion and Tradescantia all growing along side each other. The Frogs and plants are thriving. 


This is Our Alligator Snapping Turtle enclosure. 

bowsers enclosure 2
bowsers enclosure

Bowsers the Alligator Snapping Turtle lives in this 4ft aquarium. The island to the left of the tank has a ton of different Pothos growing from it that has grown roots all thru the water. We haven't had to change the water in his tank for months now while keeping amazing water quality. I would really suggest that anyone with an aquarium grow at least one houseplant from the water because nothing is a better filter than the ones nature provided "plants". always check what can be grown from an aquarium before buying as some do not do well wjile others thrive.

marble queen
parlour parm
deep red 2
zebra aloe
Vriesea - Maroon with yellow tips 2
dragon tail mother
albo haworthia
snake plant
white wave
golden pothos
monkey mask 2
dragon scale 2
monkey mask
monstera albo_edited
dragon scale leaf
frydek 2
marble queen 2
bambino pink
monstera albo_edited
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From a family of fellow Plant, Fish, Amphibian and Reptile enthusiast.

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